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There’s a reason rocket science is regarded as really hardand we got a vivid reminder of that Sunday morning when the latest SpaceX rocket — which was set to deliver supplies to the International Space Station before making a third attempt at landing on an ocean barge — blew up mid-flight.

The cause of the explosion, according to Musk:.

Any technique you must match your waistband for optimal impact. best sweater cardigans for women reviews There’s a reason Keanu Reeves is one of the internet’s favorite celebrities, and this video is an excellent illustration why:.

There was an overpressure event in the upper stage liquid oxygen tank. Data suggests counterintuitive cause. Like we said — rocket science.

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Next time you’re annoyed at a waiter, consider that maybe it’s not entirely their fault:. For a lot of restaurants, every single thing is decided by management.

Even the smallest details.

But even the most astute news nerd can miss a major event or two. Black twin sweater sets men I wish I had something clever or witty to say about this video, but it’s. The announcers are delightful, though, so plug in your headphones.

So it’s important that people understand that even if they didn’t like the way service went, nine time out of ten the server was just doing was he or she was trained to do for that particular environment.

Roberto Ferdman talks to Darron Cardosa, a long-time waiter, about waiters, customers, and management, and some common gripes on each side of the table.

Note: if you tell the waiter you’re gluten free and then order a beer, they’ll notice. Of course, it wasn’t the actual ISIS flag, and while the flag’s writing certainly wasn’t Arabic, it also certainly wasn’t “gobbledygook,” as the CNN reporter noted.

It certainly was an entirely new script, composed entirely of depictions of butt plugs and dildos. Meanwhile, our best investigative journalists are currently looking into how CNN is still considered a credible news organization.

Club-Mate’s popularity in Germany isn’t without reason:.

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After the initial excitement wore off, we each sipped at our bottles slowly—not disgusted, but not pleased either. The Times has uncovered a hot new trend: people going totally silent after a breakup, aka “ghosting.

Bylo said. Many of those who have ghosted are contrite, citing their own fear, insecurity and immaturity. Jenny Mollen… had been dating a man for three months when she told him her grandmother died, and froze him out of her life.

Her grandmother had died — months earlier.

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This video is somewhat befuddling. What the driver is doing is incredible, but the announcers and particularly the crowd seem completely unfazed look at them just gently applauding after he passes the finish line!

The announcers are delightful, though, so plug in your headphones.

Workers and emergency responders were not the only ones to risk their lives—a handful of photographers went to the scene as well, managing to capture images of some of the chaos and acts of heroism that took place in the weeks and months that followed. Facebook depends on a legion of content moderators — who are paid and treated incredibly poorly — to comb through much of the media uploaded to its website. Black twin sweater sets men Like, for example, flight didn’t “disappear” because it crashed — it actually continued flying for hours after air traffic control lost track of it:. Drew Scanlon went on a two-day trip to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

Following the Supreme Court’s historic ruling legalizing gay marriage nationwide on Friday, Facebook released a tool that allowed users to easily overlay a Pride-esque rainbow pattern over their profile pictures to show support for the ruling.

Given Facebook’s past proclivities for treating users as unsuspecting lab rats and its interest in the diffusion of ideas across its network, J.

Nathan Matias wonders whether this is all just another experiment by our Facebook overlords. If you’re reading this post, you’re probably a Digg dot com reader, which means you probably generally keep up with What The Internet Is Talking About.

But even the most astute news nerd can miss a major event or two.

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That’s fine. It’s good, actually.

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Especially if you went on a vacation or did a digital detox or something. Still, it’s important to keep up with The Story that is always unfolding in front of us, no matter how funny, exciting, depressing or infuriating it can be.

Composed of some of the most trafficked, best-performing stories of the month, this One Big Post should catch you up, starting with….

This delightful clip was one of the first big ones of the month, and it’s easy to see why. Below is an example of a stunning mixture of linguistics, history and performance.

It’s a sight to behold, and Simon Roper should be commended for it, as should his description for the video on YouTube:. Those were the numbers that stunned this year’s WWDC crowd into a low roar.

Apple has never been known for its low prices, but this seemed like a weird boiling over moment at the richest company in the world’s annual showcase.

You can read about that here. In response to that, comedian and commentator Jon Stewart appeared before Congress to say “you should be ashamed of yourselves.

One of those videos that just scratches a part of the human brain because everyone who’s ever picked up a clove of garlic knows what a pain they are to peel.

Take a gander at this beautiful lifehack in action:.

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As someone who makes a lot of Korean food, this is the best method for getting garlic peeled! But… is it real? Is this a viable way to peel garlic?

Helen Rosner, a food writer for the New Yorker got it to work for a story :. I spent the morning stabbing at garlic with a variety of knives and I kind of got it to work???

And then promptly messed it up:. Stick with the two bowls method, friends, don’t let my blood have spilled in vain. Peel at your own risk. That was it.

Nearly everything after that is a mystery. Like, for example, flight didn’t “disappear” because it crashed — it actually continued flying for hours after air traffic control lost track of it:.

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Despite reflexive denials by Malaysian officials, and outright obfuscation by the Malaysian air force, the truth about the airplane’s strange flight path quickly began to emerge.

It turned out that MH had continued to link up intermittently with a geostationary Indian Ocean satellite operated by Inmarsat, a commercial vendor in London, for six hours after the airplane disappeared from secondary radar.

This meant that the airplane had not suddenly suffered some catastrophic event.

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During those six hours it is presumed to have remained in high-speed, high-altitude cruising flight. Another phenomenal long read from the middle of the month.

This time, instead of exploring a world-famous mystery, Casey Newton at the Verge blew the lid off a nearly unknown one.

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Newton’s story revolves around Facebook’s enormous shadow workforce of content moderators. Facebook depends on a legion of content moderators — who are paid and treated incredibly poorly — to comb through much of the media uploaded to its website.

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And the objectionable stuff they’re supposed to catch isn’t simply nude photos. A lot of it is much, much darker. Below is a quote from a content moderator brave enough to breach his NDA with Facebook in order to speak on the dreadful conditions under which he and his coworkers labored.

10.04.2020 – There’s a lot of positive to say about Ive, regularly heralded as a genius in his field. The car guys at Garage 54 discover that liquid styrofoam doesn’t look half bad as a finish. These waistbands might give you the impression of high level. June functioned just as it was designed.

Warning: it is gross. It was like one of those horror movies. Nobody’s prepared to see a little girl have her organs taken out while she’s still alive and screaming.

One of the terrible things about this story is that if you aren’t careful, it would be easy to assume a company as rich and powerful and tech-forward as Facebook has automated these sorts of tasks.

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Y ou might imagine that would be a task for algorithms and machine learning. Not so. This has been investigated before. For more on this story, check out this documentary, “The Moderators.

This is just one of those clever bits executed perfectly. Karaoke is hard.

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Comedy is even harder. Combining the two on national TV is a risk, to say the least, and Andy Rowell pulled it off. This video went super viral and it’s easy to see why.

Anyone who has used both Netflix and a black and white TV set appreciates the intricacies of both. Anyone who uses both would probably also consider the two largely incompatible.

And our blog about the phenomenon explores more than just the main video that blew up. There’s a whole lot of Netflix content out there to explore in monochrome, and it’s great.

I plugged my black and white tv into an old Roku. June 27 — Jony Ive Leaves Apple. Digg rounded up the web’s takes on what Ive’s departure could possible mean for the world’s richest company, but I’d like to focus on one in particular.

Here’s Koebler:. He was there for, and key to Apple’s transformation from a computer company to the most valuable company in the world.

Under his watch, Apple’s products became thinner, lighter, and sleeker. They also became steadily less modular, less consumer friendly, less upgradable, less repairable, and, at times, less functional than earlier models.

There’s a lot of positive to say about Ive, regularly heralded as a genius in his field. We rounded up that in our blog too.

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Writers have called this an end of an era at Apple. That might be good news. Perhaps the next one will not involve stands sold a tick below four figure prices.

That was June. This was May.

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Did you like this One Big Post? Did you hate it? With a 9.