Free knitting cardigan patterns for toddlers – + Free Knitting Patterns for Baby Toddlers and Kids ( free knitting patterns)

Get the pattern here. It features 30 stylish and practical patterns, everything from a hooded jumper and roomy overalls to a lace panel cardigan, pullovers, vests, hats and toys.

It includes an illustrated guide to all the basic knitting techniques you need, which means all these patterns are accessible to knitters of all abilities.

A lovely book for yourself or a friend. Repeat last 2 rows until piece measures 17cm 18cm, 19cm, 21cm, 23cm from cast-on edge, ending with a RS row.

Repeat last 2 rows 8 9, 9, 10, 10 times more, then work 1 more decrease row. Break yarn and place remaining 19 19, 21, 21, 23 sts on spare yarn.

Repeat Rows 1—4 until piece measures 17cm 18cm, 19cm, 21cm, 23cm from cast-on edge, ending with a RS row.

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Maintaining cable pattern established, work Raglan decreases as follows Note: as your work decreases, you will no longer be able to work all the cable sts as written.

Repeat last 2 rows 8 9, 9, 10, 10 times more, then work one more decrease row.

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Break yarn and place remaining 4 5, 7, 8, 10 sts on spare yarn. Repeat Rows 1—4 until piece measures 17cm 18cm, 19cm, 21cm, 23cm from cast-on edge, ending with a WS row.

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Work those sts in st st, keeping 3 armpit sts in reverse st st :. Row 1: p2 2, 3, 3, 4pm, sl 1, k2, p1, k4, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k4, p1, k2, sl 1, pm, p to end.

Row 2: k to marker, sl marker, sl 1, p2, k1, p5, k1, p1, k1, p5, k1, p2, sl 1, sl marker, k to end.

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Row 4: k to marker, sl marker, p3, k1, p5, k1, p1, k1, p5, k1, p3, sl marker, k to end. Row 1 increase row : p2, m1p, p to marker, sl marker, sl 1, k2, p1, k4, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k4, p1, k2, sl 1, sl marker, p to last 2 sts, m1p, p to end.

Row 5: p to marker, sl marker, sl 1, k2, p1, k4, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k4, p1, k2, sl 1, sl marker, p to end. Work straight in pattern until piece measures 20cm 21cm, 22cm, 24cm, 26cm from cast-on edge, ending with a RS row.

Begin working decreases. Note: as your work decreases, you will no longer be able to work the cable sts as written for all the sts.

Work those sts in st st, keeping 3 armpit sts in reverse st st. Break yarn and place remaining 9 7, 9, 7, 9 sts on spare yarn.

Free knitting cardigan patterns for toddlers

Place First Sleeve sts on needle with RS facing. Using working yarn attached to Right Front, work as follows:.

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Place Back sts on needle with RS facing. Using working yarn attached to First Sleeve, work as follows:.

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Place Second Sleeve sts on needle with RS facing. Using working yarn attached to Back, work as follows:.

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Place Left Front sts on needle with RS facing. Using working yarn attached to Second Sleeve, work as follows:.

Free knitting cardigan patterns for toddlers

Next row WS : work 6, k2tog, work 3, k2tog, work 17, k2tog, work 3, k2tog, work to end. Starting at the top and working your way down, with RS facing, sew together raglan seams, then side seams, then sleeve seams, using mattress stitch see page Weave in ends.

Free knitting cardigan patterns for toddlers

Starting at bottom edge of Right Front, with RS facing, pick up and k 49 53, 57, 63, 67 sts along side edge. Starting at top edge of Left Front, with RS facing, pick up and k 49 53, 57, 63, 67 sts along side edge.

To block, soak in lukewarm water for a few minutes, then lay flat to dry, taking care to press the reverse st st seams so they lay flat.

Sew buttons opposite buttonholes. Hi there, this is a beautiful pattern, but since we are in New Zealand I have no idea where to buy this yarn. I also have no idea what weight it is, so I could find a substitute.

That would be fantastic. Hi Steph. Great comment.

Free knitting pattern using dk-weight yarn. Free knitting cardigan patterns for toddlers Nikki has replied It has been changed above too : Yes, that one is an error in the pattern! The knitting patterns and photographs displayed on these pages are the intellectual property of their respective copyright owners.

The yarn mentioned is worsted weight yarn. Your local wool supplier should be able to help you with a suitable substitute.

However, bear in mind that worsted weight yarn is a yarn that knits stitches per 10cm x 10cm 4 inch x 4 inch square. This should be indicated on the label of the yarn you are purchasing.

You may also find worsted in the same category as aran and afghan.

Free knitting cardigan patterns for toddlers

Hope this helps. It would be exceptionally helpful for us overseas knitter to have all the information. Thanks for submitting a lovely pattern.

25.03.2020 – Hi Donna I will ask the author and get back to you asap. They keep you warm and cozy without requiring a jacket; or they can be worn under a jacket on the coldest days of the year. Get a knit-like crochet cardigan when you work it in Tunisian crochet.

Slip the tip of left needle into the front of the slipped stitches, and knit them together — 1 stitch decreased. Slip next 3 stitches onto cable needle and hold at back of work.

Knit next 3 stitches from left needle, then knit stitches from cable needle. Slip next 2 stitches onto cable needle and hold at back of work.

Knit next 2 stitches from left needle, then knit stitches from cable needle. Hi Gargi. This is an extract from a book so we have not knitted it ourselves.

Free Toddler & Children’s Clothes Knitting Patterns |

However, it does mention the stitches required in the pattern. I will start the other sections and would love to hear from you. Hi Maureen. However, I will see if I can contact the author and let you know.

Are you decreasing one stitch at each end? Have you repeated the decrease rows the correct number of times? Hi dear; Please would you explain to me this sentence Break yarn and place remaining 4 5, 7, 8, 10 sts on spare yarn.

I am making this at the moment and am quite new to knitting. I have reached the decreases at the back, I am not sure how to interpret the pattern at this point.

Next row WS : k2, ssk, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2.

Project of the Day. Free knitting cardigan patterns for toddlers Simply knit in the round and pull the top closed when finished.

Next row RS : p to end. Does this mean cast off 3 then complete a purl row, then cast off three then complete a plain knit row, then commence the decreases in the next two rows.

Cast off 3, then complete a knit row. Then commence the decreases in the next two rows. C3F: Slip next st onto cable needle and hold at front of work.

K next 2 sts from left needle, then k st from cable needle C3B: Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold at front of work.

K next st from left needle, then k sts from cable needle. I am having difficulty knitting the sleeve. I assume it must have something to do with the way I am attempting to do the following sl 1 m1p C3F C3B When I looked up these stitches on line I thought I understood them but I must not.

I assumed that C3B the stitches were taken to the back but in a reply I just read dated jan 16th it says that both C3F and C3B are brought to the front?

It only requires the knit stitch. best sweater cardigans for women reviews It’s an easy pattern to follow, and a short pattern, too!

Please help. I have torn the sleeve out at least 4 times and cant seem to get it.

Free knitting cardigan patterns for toddlers companies

I easily knitted the rest of the sweater parts. Knit next st from left needle, then knit sts from cable needle. C3F: Slip next st onto cable needle and hold at front.

Knit next 2 sts from left needle, then knit st from cable needle. Thank you so much for the speedy reply. I have enjoyed being able to ask questions knowing there really is some help.

I am making the sleeves for toddler cardigan sweater the m1 keeps making a hole in the sleeve.

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How do you make m1 so there is no hole? Is that supposed to happen?

Free knitting cardigan patterns for toddlers

When putting the pieces together I get 45 stitches instead of 43 for size 4T. I did the line putting the parts together twice with the s1 k2 tog pass slip stitch over.

At the end I got 45 stitches instead of I get 19 stitches left for the back, 5 stitches left for each sleeve and 8 stitches left for each front adds up to What am I doing wrong or the instructions incorrect?

Adele, this is a book extract.

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Unfortunately we cannot answer your question. You would be best to go directly to the author. Any ideas? There were no size measurements in the book extract.